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Showing posts from December, 2022

So Social

I scroll & scroll I’m on a roll Certainly something’s worth my time Another fight Who’s wrong or right? The latest romance or moral crime So many places So many faces Which deserves my thumbs up? I don’t like that Now I feel fat Oh look someone designed a cup! I can’t do it Oh well screw it! Some one cares about my day! Here’s a pic This makes me tick I’ve said all there is to say Time to mine Each headline To keep me up to date Views crystallized Post terrorized Now I’m feeling great!

The Corner

In every room is sneaky little corner Waiting with nefarious glee For my bare feet to make an entrance  Oh yes, it’s waiting for me Even if my belongings are neatly in order It never seems to fail The pain from my toe signals to my brain Out goes my ignominious wail What have I done to deserve such a deed To incur that corner’s wrath? It even sneaks up on innocent ol’ me As I lift my leg into the bath How do I not see it so unsurprisingly there; Looking so still and mundane? One day I’ll give it a kick or two or three And it shan’t do that again

Noticed (A Monologue)

     This mask I wear doesn’t just keep you from knowing who I really am - or who I think I am.  It suppresses my questions and concerns.  It is a diversion even from myself.  If I play this part on the world stage, I shove aside my reservations.  Why?  Because everyone told me that my concerns were invalid or not worth the time to mull over - or just stupid.  I believed them so I rejected these thoughts.  The more I rejected them, the more invasive they became - until I found this mask to shove those thoughts behind.  How else does one function in public?      But, now cameras are going up.  They track the moves I make.  Do you keep your curtains closed?  You should!  They are watching you too!  What?  I’m being paranoid.  Have you seen what has happened in Xinjiang?  Do you really think it isn’t happening here?  Does it make a difference whether a Communist does it or a ...