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Showing posts from October, 2019

Sitting at the Red Light

     How much louder can I pump up this music to drown out the noise in my head?  A little....louder.  Look at that guy over there.  He thinks he is so cool with his hair all done up like that.  A little...louder.  You like that?  Ugh.  The brisk air.  Might as well roll up my window.  Oh, but hey, they need to hear my music so I might as well roll it down just a crack.  A little...more.      What a long drive this has been.  Back and forth I go:  Can you believe that prick tailgating me?  The nerve!  Why can't people just have a little decency out here?  That quick stop I made to signify that he should back off did the trick.  Oh, how much power I have by doing something so simple.      Hopefully, today will be an easy day.  This music should definitely motivate me.  I can feel the frequencies vibrating down ...

The Big Top

Enter the Big top Exit the mundane Welcome to the show Come sun or come rain Taste the peanuts See the dim artificial light All beneath this colorful tent Contortionists and men of might The dung of elephants Is masked by perfume You will forget its there Once the archer enters the room Clowns fill the transitions The show well prepared So much energy behind the scenes The choreographers' vision shared The acrobats fly in the air The scenes effortlessly flow But without people in the bleachers There wouldn't be a show

Checked Out

Man (dinging the bell at the counter): Hey! Man keeps ringing bell Clerk (comes out of back room with groggy eyes):  How may I help you, sir? Man:  The mattress is too soft and the water isn’t hot enough!  And, the TV keeps reading “no signal”. Clerk:  I’m sorry for the inconvenience sir.  I can have an attendant come flip the mattress.  There isn’t much I can do about the water; and the blizzard outside is corrupting the reception.  We strive to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Man:  Well, I find no comfort.  I’m checking out!  I am gonna find a better place. Clerk:  I’m sorry you feel that way, sir... Man drops key at the counter taking his big black suitcase with him as he stomps out the door.  He fades off into the great white world as a specter evaporating into an abyss. 3 hours pass.. Man (dinging the ball at the counter):  ‘scuse me! Clerk (comes out of back room with groggy eyes): ...

Full and Empty

Full:  Hello. Empty (no reply) Full:  Have we met before? Empty (no reply) Full:  You seem faintly familiar. Empty (no reply) Full:   Good grief, why don't you respond?  I'm only trying to be nice... Empty (no reply) Full:  What?  Do you think you are better than me? Empty (no reply) Full thinks to self, "There's so much I have to offer.  Is there something wrong with me that this individual has the gall to ignore me?" Hey!  I know!  Say, why don't we play a game? Empty (no reply) Full:  I'm thinking of something. Empty (no reply) Full: Ugh!  Clearly you are devoid of all thought!  Why am I even speaking to you?  You don't even do anything!  Are you stupid?  How worthless!  How meaningless! Empty (no reply)


If I look outward, I'm worried about eyes searing into my skull as I make feeble attempts to emote the me that is within.  I could write so many things knowing that everybody believes themselves to be a critic by some standard.  But, I am so sick of standards.  I can only imagine how stagnate the world would be if, all our lives, we simply acquiesced to some antiquated "standard".  What new war could have been won?  What blue print for a new invention could put the hands of factory workers into motion?  It's easy to let the world move while I, myself, check out.  I could do that.  But, what is true checking out, but nihilism - finding it all meaningless?  In between finding value in life and nihilism is escapism - being here but not really being here.  Or, is escapism the decadent aspect of nihilism?  If I escape into some fantasy world, I am creating my own paradise.  But, is this paradise some grander scheme beyond the univ...

Mind to Heart

Dear Heart, Today, I observed the melting of ice and I thought I should let you know that the ice around you, likewise, can thaw.  I feel you faintly beating.  Don't you know the power that you possess within can radiate enough heat to cause the ice to fall off?  It's there.  I know it is.  The question is, do you have the momentum to generate new energy?  Is it even something you need to generate? You beat all on your own.  Only through death is the life energy depleted from what you put into circulation.  Are you seriously dead?  Is this the feeling of the undead?  Moving forward and not even knowing all the souls consumed by this internal virus?  It is rather ironic that I could even put the words "feeling" and "undead " in the same sentence.  Do the undead even feel?  If the undead have no control of any action, the undead have no control of any thought.  Thought is stirred by feeling and feeling is stimulated...